राष्ट्र ह्रदय ब्रह्म भक्ति चिह्न खट्ठा रत्ती अन्न |
These are the some words which are really difficult to type with most of Hindi fonts. Some of these words are regularly used in Hindi typing. If you go through Hindi paragraphs then probably you will face such kind of typing problems. Many words and symbols are needed to type separately by special codes.
Yes these symbols attached with Hindi letters and can not be typed with a single key. We have to provide some special code every time to print them. These are the half letter in Hindi and can not be printed with shift key.
The same problem is for typical Hindi number.
A few Hindi fonts contain typical Hindi numbers like
When we try to type Hindi number or Sanskrit numbers then even a Hindi font can show you roman numbers. In this situation we need to type codes that works in all DevLys and Kruti Dev fonts properly. These all codes works with alt key.
Codes for Hindi Numbers-
To get your desired Hindi numbers we have to press alt key and give the respective numbers. The all combination will output a Hindi number. For example we want to type Hindi number 7, then we first press alt key and then number code i.e. 0137.
Codes for Hindi Symbols-
For complex Hindi words we need to type these codes for completing whole word correctly. For example we need to type Rashtra राष्ट्र first type राष्ट as normally and then provide code 0170 with alt key.
If still there is any problem mention in comment box I'll try to solve.
These are the some words which are really difficult to type with most of Hindi fonts. Some of these words are regularly used in Hindi typing. If you go through Hindi paragraphs then probably you will face such kind of typing problems. Many words and symbols are needed to type separately by special codes.
Yes these symbols attached with Hindi letters and can not be typed with a single key. We have to provide some special code every time to print them. These are the half letter in Hindi and can not be printed with shift key.
The same problem is for typical Hindi number.
A few Hindi fonts contain typical Hindi numbers like

When we try to type Hindi number or Sanskrit numbers then even a Hindi font can show you roman numbers. In this situation we need to type codes that works in all DevLys and Kruti Dev fonts properly. These all codes works with alt key.
Codes for Hindi Numbers-
To get your desired Hindi numbers we have to press alt key and give the respective numbers. The all combination will output a Hindi number. For example we want to type Hindi number 7, then we first press alt key and then number code i.e. 0137.
Codes for Hindi Symbols-
For complex Hindi words we need to type these codes for completing whole word correctly. For example we need to type Rashtra राष्ट्र first type राष्ट as normally and then provide code 0170 with alt key.
If still there is any problem mention in comment box I'll try to solve.
Write commentsthe codes aren't working, I tried it for Rastra but its not working.
Replyplease give other solution.
Make sure you are not working with hindi unicode font and mangal font otherwise these codes will not work. (Mangal font is automatically activated when your system language is set to Hindi). They all work fine with two most used hindi font series Krutidev and DevLys, for example you can use Krutidev 020.
ReplyWhen I type sh shaljam ka then I have to press it 2 times first time when I press the button an apostrophe comma appears and on second time pressing the button I get sh what about it
ReplyAnd how to get sh shatkon ka
Replyश can be typed by pressing " ' " key followed by "k", and for ष use "shift" + " ' " followed by 'k'. Here "k" is used to complete letter and not used while half letters needed. For Unicode and mangal font use "shift"+"m" for श, and "shift" + "," for ष.
ReplyFor other keys goto Keyboard Layout Page.
how do you use code
ReplyPress alt key,
Replyhold it,
type numbers,
release alt key. that's all.
In ms word 2007 when I press the code with alt key, it always opens the save as dialogue box. How to resolve this problem. please help
Reply'Save as' dialog box opens when you press 'Alt + f + a' or simply pressing F12 key. There is no another way I found for appearing 'save as' dialogue box in M S word 2007. Please ensure you are working on krutidev fonts.
ReplyIt's working for me.
If you still have problem please let me know.
how do these work on mac keyboard, unable to get the alt+nnnn working
ReplyI never used this on mac but in iPhone you can get half letters by providing "halant" after letter.

ReplyFor example in राष्ट्र type राष्ट then provide halant like राष्ट् then type र without spaces.
Same for other words we have to recognize which letter is half in that word. Place halant correctly and you will get right word.
Hope it works for you
How to type % symbol in Krutidev 010 font
ReplyThere is no glyph assigned for % symbol in Kruti Dev and DevLys fonts.
Replyhow to type % in devnagri inscript.?
ReplyRefer this page for all keyboard layouts images of Devanagari script including Unicode, remington and Nepali.
ReplyDevLys और KrutiDev किसी-किसी font में मूर्धन्य (ष) टाइप करने पर मूर्धन्य (ष) नहीं टाइप होकर स्पेस ले लेता है ऐसा क्यों होता है?
Replyफ़ोन्ट का नाम बताएं ?
ReplyPlease tell me how to type तिसऱ्या in kruti dev10.
ReplySimply type 'frlU;k' without quote.
ReplyHow I write Roman digit in kurti dev 10
ReplyHow to write karm or vradhhi in hindi .pls help
ReplyHow to write karm or vradhhi in hindi .pls help
ReplyHow to write karm or vradhhi in hindi using mangal font .please help me
ReplyHow I use comma in kuruti Dev
ReplyUse ']' for comma in all Kruti dev and Devlys fonts.
Replysame problem here too,, unable to resolve it
ReplyI am typing in Hindi kruti dev but it does not work when I use alt + any key combination. Some time before everything was OK and I also used alt key combinations but now it's not working.
ReplyAlthough other characters are typed but only alt combinations cann't be typed. For example when I press alt + 0125 the cursur goes on the top of home page and selects all the characters. Why it is doing so. Is there is any problem in setting or something else plz reply.
How to type sign + - * in Hindi kruti dev 010
ReplyHow to type bada oo in kruti dev10 or kruti dev045 without using unicode with alt key ? is there any other key with shift key to type bada oo ?
Replymeaning that how to type bada u as in used in word 'lucknow' with shift key ?
Reply? ? kese type kre im kruti dev 010
ReplyWhich font you are using?
ReplyThere are no glyphs assigned for Roman numbers in KrutiDev and Devlys series fonts
ReplySimply write deZ for Karm and o`f) for Vriddhi
Replyकर्म = क + र् + म
Replyवृद्धि = व + ॠ + द् + ध + इ
Hope this helped
Its fine in MS word, are you using any other software? Let me know.
ReplyJust type
Replyshift + 4 for + sign
shift + 7 for - sign
alt + 0187 for ÷ sign
shift + 2 for / sign
alt + 0190 for = sign
for all Krutidev and Devlys fonts
You have to use alt + 0197 to type ऊ because there is no other way to type this in Krutidev and Devlys fonts.
ReplyJust type \ for ? in KrutiDev and Devlys fonts.
ReplyAkshar ke niche adhaa "ग aur "म" kese type kare. INKI alt codes nahi doye hue hai
ReplyKrutiDev or Devlys fonts mein akshar ke neeche aadhe akshar nahi type kiye ja sakte ye keval Unicode (mangal) fonts mein hi possible hai.
ReplyAadha T jaise Khatta, aadha D jaise Gaddha jaise kuchh limited alt codes hai like alt+205 par Ga aur Ma word ke neeche nahi type kiye ja sakte hain.
Replyमंगल (यूनिकोड) में ये स्पेशल कैरेक्टर कैसे टाईप करें।
Replyin kurtidev 010, all the characters are coming but special characters are not coming using alt combination...why ??
Replycan anybody help me?
how to type double full stop marks in kruti pad for hindi writing
Replyuse numeric pad for entering alt codes.
Replyif your laptop doesn't have separate numeric pad then you may use on screen keyboard for this
how to type in kruti dev 010 फ़ latter?
Replyhow to type in kruti dev 010 फ़ letter?
Replykruti dev 010
Replyfacing the same problem in krutidev 010 ... how can I resolve it?
ReplyHow to type ganga "angya" in krutidev ?
ReplySame question
Replyhow to type in kruti dev 010 फ़ latter?
ReplyTrying to use codes of alt key in ms 365, font DevLys 010 but no result. Please help.
Replyhow to insert ka, kha, ga, gha etc as numbering in hindi (word). Plz help.
Replyuse ctrl+z after pressing shift+'
Replyctrl+z is used for undo, and it will immediately delete the letter you typed. It is only useful in case of auto-correct is on.
ReplyType Q or Q+
ReplyType xaxkk for ganga and vaKk or vaX;k for angya.
ReplyType Q+
ReplySimply type AA
ReplyWhich operating system you are using on system?
ReplyOpen unicode keymap from here and find your desired letter.
Replykruti dev 010 me ष kaise likhe
ReplyType Q+
ReplyType '
ReplyType '
Replyhow to do this ''×'' symbol in hindi font
Replytell me on my gmail - vs819148@gmail.com
There is no way to type 'x' symbol in remington fonts but you can type that in unicode fonts.
ReplySame problem i m facing ..alt codes r not working ..m using kruti dev
Replyई, ऊ, राष्ट्र की ट्र, ँ comouter पर कैसे टाईप करते हैं
Replyई, ऊ, राष्ट्र की ट्र, ँ comouter पर कैसे टाईप करते हैं
ReplySir kruti Dev 010 me comma ( , ) ka use kse Kare plz tell me as soon as possible...thanking sir
ReplyUse ] key for comma.
ReplySabse pehle koi bhi ek krutidev font computer par install karein, phir usey select karein, phir alt key dabaakar upar di list mein se koi bhi ek number jo aapko type karna hai usse relevent press karein phir alt key chhod dein.
ReplySir software typing m koi code kaam nahi karta to Chand bindu ar ese word Kaise likhu
ReplyAgar aap windows par DevLys ya krutidev par kaam kar rahe ho to upar diye saare code kaam karenge. Tarika phir se check karein.
Replycode nahi kam karta hai kurtidew me
ReplyHow to type underscore symbol in krutidev font??
Replyhow to type in krutidev double inverted commas
Replyhow to get multiple sign in kruti dev 010 font
Replyhow can type % in krutidev 110 font i tried alt+037 but it not works so plzz reply me onmy mail
ReplyI have same problem bro. I am using devlys 10 font. I hope, you could help me.
ReplyHello .
ReplySir hindi me 9 (nine) kitne tarah se likhata hai, ye wala ९ kaise type kare.
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