My new font: arvind 'Classic'
In my projects recently a new font is added. It's a classical font used from years, but unfortunately not available in hindi font collection. So I just decided to add a must have font in my collection.'classic' font is new in digital world but not so unfamiliar in painting world. You can see this font in old Indian poster and painting world. Mostly seen in old Indian black and white classical bollywood cinema. Contineously used by Indian artists in art world a few years ago, but this font looks still look fresh, energetic an having a fragrance of great history of Snaskrit.
It is an evergreen effect of font in Devnagari script. Recently hindi 'roundy fonts' are much more in demand. So this font is a really good option in choosing a stylish one.
First look of new font arvind 'Classic'

My new font: arvind 'Rough'

Soon available
Write commentsultimate sir
ReplyThanks LS.
Replymanish with Laxmi love
Replysir please sen arvind clasic fomnt
Replyhow to download arvind Classic font
ReplyArvind Classic Font डाउनलोड कि लिंक दिजीए ।
ReplyThe new version of will be available for download soon.
Replybhartiya hindi font 053 डाउनलोड कि लिंक दिजीए ।
ReplySir aAp bhi tak arvind class fon link nahi diye sir ji
Replyhlo how to use chankya font in window 10 plese
ReplyThe same way we used in windows 8 or 7. If you are facing any difficulty please explain.
ReplyHello sir plz tell me about which hindi font Punjab kesari news use plz reply and plz give me this font ☺👍
Replynice font
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