Dotted Hindi font for a complete new look.

Hello guys, this time it's a really different Hindi font for you. All the glyphs in this font are created using only circle or dots. Till now we have no such font in our Hindi font collection. Although we can find some really good dotted fonts in English but this font is first in our Hindi font collection. This font can be used for giving simply a different look to your work.

Uses of dotted fonts:

Another great use of this font is creating flexible font mold made of plastics or any other materials. These kind of molds maintain the similarity in huge project and anyone can deal with these very easily. This kind of structures save lot of time when used in big criteria. For railways it's a perfect choice to print letters in huge number with same pattern.

One beautiful use of this font is to create Hindi alphabet learning charts used in primary schools. Learning turns easy when kids find it funny and attractive. So it can be used in books too.

Now another technical use take help while coding LED circuit display board for Hindi texts. It's a growing industry.

LED display board with Hindi font

LED display board composed fonts using a group of dots(LED). So if you want to give your Hindi text the same effect this font is really a good choice. Type your text using dotted font and give a Sparkling Red colour effect.

You can give your font bullet effect with this font. For any poster or other banner when you want to show a special bullet effect than dotted font are really useful. By adding addition deepening effects and shadows this font will give a stunning look to your work.

Download dotted Hindi font

Preview of dotted:

Download dotted Hindi font

Having problem of keyboard layout while typing Hindi font ??

Don't worry we have solution. For all Indian languages keyboard inscript layout images are available. Go to our Keyboard layout list and download Hindi Remington keyboard layout for dotted font.


  1. Replies
    1. 1) Click on download link.
      2) There will be a new page of google docs in new tab in your browser.
      3) Now press ctrl + s
      Your download will automatically, Hope you got the solution.
      Have a nice day.

    2. Right click on download link and click on "save link as"

    3. Right now link is not working.

  2. is there a corresponding regular font

  3. Chrome complains that this is an unsafe site.
    When you download the file, it is identified as virus and automatically deleted!

    1. Actually this blog got infected by third party code two months ago for a few hours. When I realized about malware I removed that code. But some browsers still show warning even mine too. It will take little time to remove that warning.

      You can scan this site through online scanners it's 100% safe otherwise you won't get this site in google search results. Google automatically removes infected sites from its search results.

      Above font file is hosted on dropbox (no question about site safety), file(13.7 KB) is also spam free, you can scan it through your anti virus or online antivirus after downloading it.

      If still there is any problem, reply me.

  4. thanks a lot lot lot, it has helped me out. its exactly what i was searching for.

  5. सर शिवी गणेश जैसे फॉण्ट Remington Font Layout Baniye

  6. Your dotted Hindi fonts are really good. However, there are four missing alphabet.ऊ श ष ञ. The keys listed for श ष do not work as shown in the keyboard. Rest all works great.

  7. Thanks for informing! I'll check it. Font is incomplete without all glyphs.

  8. Hi Arvind. Just wondering: have you been able to update the font to get the missing glyphs?

  9. Hello Mr. Arvind. thanks for the font. 4 are missing ऊ श ष ञ. Can you solve this? I find this extremely useful for my daughter who is in kindergarten.

    1. Okay, I have checked the font and all four glyphs are present in the font which are working well on notepad but somehow not on word.
      alt + 0197 for ऊ
      alt + 0165 for ञ
      ' + k for श (working only on notepad)
      " + k for ष (working only on notepad)

    2. Thanks. sha is working but the other two aren't. Maybe there is a mistake from my end as well. Will check again. But could you also check?
      I must thank you for this wonderful effort of yours. This is great work indeed. May God reward you abundantly for all these endeavours.

    3. It is working. Thanks once again. May more people be inspired by actions such as these. God bless you.

  10. Hi Arvind, I downloaded the font, but it did not install.Please give guideline me.

    1. You need a file extractor like winrar to unzip that dotted.rar file. When you unzip that file then you get a .ttf font file. Double click on that file to install the font.

  11. thanks a lot sir for the help its working......

  12. could you please help me with the 3 lines dotted and basic hindi fonts for making kg worksheets. i want the letters with lines.

    1. You can use a lined background for this font for your worksheet.

  13. Sir please help me with the 5 line or 3 lines dotted and basic hindi fonts for making kg worksheets. i want the letters with lines.

    1. In a photo editor software you can draw lines as many as you want in light color and use above dotted font on those lines for your desired project.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Not able to download Arvind dotted hindi font drop box error

  14. Hi Sir

    kindly confirm hindi dotes font

  15. Not able to download DOTTED HINDI Fonts, Dropbox error!!!

  16. Not able to download DOTTED HINDI Fonts, Dropbox error!!!

  17. Hi I am unable to download the dotted font. Please help

  18. i can't download dotted font. link is not working.

  19. SIRJI dropbox 460 aata hai. dotted font download nahi raha hai.
    please help sir.

  20. Sir ji dropbox 460 error aa rahi nahi ho raha hai

  21. why i cant download this dotted font..

  22. How to download dotted font is not happening with this link

  23. dotted font is not download now. how to download

  24. Dear Admin
    I am facing the problem during download the font.
    Restricted Content
    This file is no longer available. For additional information contact Dropbox Support.

    This is the message we got after clicking on the link. could you plz send this font file at

    your help will be appreciated.

    thanking you in advance.

  25. Download link has been changed now.

  26. Thanks for sharing such a a good article your expertise, it's really appreciated
    This blog gives the lot of information about hindi font it is a great article, its provide lot of information. thanks for sharing such nice article. Bulk Email Sender

  27. hi i want to download but its not working at all plz help me.

  28. Downloaded.. But not working with inscript ism keyboard...

  29. How do I type the letter ई

  30. Too many requests

    Sorry, this link has been automatically turned off for now. Learn more about traffic limits.

  31. Sir Hindi Dotted font me simple style me typing nhi ho rha. thora stylist me aa rha hai. Plz help. hme kundli hindi ya krutidev 010 ki tarah typing dotted me chahiye......

  32. Replies
    1. sir mala ई he letter dotted font made pahije aahe kase karave plz mala sanga na

  33. I would like to download hindi dot font but i couldn't. would you mind helping me to give a link please.

  34. very fantastic i have download thanks ji

  35. I downloaded the dotted font and it works good. I however cannot figure out keys for ऊ , श, त्र, ष, ऋ , ज़, ड़, फ़, क्ष. Can you suggest keys I should use for these to my e-mail

  36. .rar does not open on my windows 8 system. Please help.

  37. How to type the letter ई using Arvind Dotted Font - Remington layout ?

  38. It doesn't work in Mac, do you have its solution.

  39. We need footed font for Hindi writing book
    Pls. Send link


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